Discovering the best jewelry knowledge and applying it to your life is not always easy. There is so much information available, applying it to your life can seem pointless. Fortunately, the best tips have been compiled here, and you can read them below.

Avoid using things like bleach, acetone, ammonia, turpentine, and other related chemicals to clean them with. Using them may result in damage to your jewelry, may cause dulling of gemstones, and may erode enamel work.

Be cautious about your jewelry storage. It is recommended to separate the items stored by using compartments, boxes, holders and hooks. Don’t just toss your jewelry in a pile. Heavy pieces should not be placed in the same compartment with fragile pieces.

Don’t keep your jewelry in open air or someplace with a lot of humidity. It’s best to store it in a closed box, like a jewelry box, or a drawstring …